Saturday 19 June 2010

Photo (B)log

"Learning on the go", "Jumping into the deep end" and "Having your work cut out for you" are some of the idioms that describe the whirlwind of a week I've had - amongst the most hectic in my life, ever.

Between thursday and tonight,
I have organised, shot, edited (with the photographer), and helped to retouch a studio photo shoot of 30 dresses, bikinis, pj's and shorts.
Compiled, art-directed, burnt on CD, dropped off, proofed, organised to be printed and picked up the first Baby Issa Sales catalogue (for Spring/Summer 2011).
Organised 100 misc errands - from mannequins in Paris and Florence, delivery of our logo and mannequin plinths from the designers' workshop to our offices, to Florence; to finding the best and cheapest purchase order forms.
Prepared our stand at Bubble London Kidswear trade-show, which I will be manning tomorrow (Sunday) and on Monday from 9 am until 6 pm.
Printed and photocopied line sheets, created home-made purchase order forms with the help of Photoshop, printers, and carbon paper.

As I write this it doesn't look like much, but believe me, I have not slept much, eaten much or had time to think. I am high on adrenaline and I am a bit worried about neglecting my daughter.

But I also feel so excited, challenged, and grateful to have the opportunity to try all this for size, make mistakes (forgot to get business cards printed) and learn from them.

Despite being exhausted, I feel light, free and my skin is glowing.
- I don't think I can keep this pace up over time, and I think my biggest challenge in the long-term will be to organise Baby Issa in a way that defies the "last-minute is normal" mentality of the fashion industry. But for now, this is amazing!

(I must mention that none of this would be possible without the support of my family, friends, my wonderful nanny, as well as Mira's grandmother and her aunt Carlotta (yes, that Carlotta), who are kindly looking after her tomorrow and on Monday, so she doesn't get lonely.

Thursday, 17th June, 6:20 pm in Aldgate East
Sonia, our lovely long-legged photographer and Carlotta, our 5 year old new "house (super) model"

7:45 pm
Carlotta and her aunt Putzi (and self-proclaimed model agent), who kindly drove her to and from the shoot looking happy and excited at the end of the shoot

Friday, 18th June, 1.30 am in Westbourne Grove
The final .pdf for the catalogue is on this CD

9:00 am in Covent Garden
My corrections (in red ink of course) of proof at the Printer

9:15 the final proof that I signed off to be printed!

Saturday, 19th June, 8:01 pm in Angel
Our completed stand (just needs to be hoovered and decorated with our logo before tomorrow's start) at Bubble London.

Notice the print on the walls: we had one of the prints printed on huge sheets of paper, cut them to size at the fair and velcro'ed them to the walls ("Dear Exhibitors, please DO NOT use double sided tape, blue tack or staples. Any damage to the walls must be paid for by the exhibitors").

Sugar(high) Mommy

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